Welcome to the official online registration site for cultivars of the genus Rosa. We hope that you will find our web-based registration process to be fast and convenient. Complete access to Modern Roses is available to everyone.

Modern Roses was originally published in 1930 with 2,511 collected rose registrations world-wide, Today, the American Rose Society's Modern Rose database is home to more than 37,000+ registered roses.

We are happy to present our newly updated rose database! We've worked hard to compile more than 37,000+ rose registrations that have been submitted for 89 years, starting in 1930!

The offices of The American Rose Society serve as International Cultivar Registration Authority - Roses (ICRA) by appointment of the International Society for Horticultural Sciences.


The International Cultivar Registration Authority - Roses

Welcome to the official online registration site for new cultivars of the genus Rosa. We hope that you will find our web-based registration process to be fast and convenient. We believe that we can provide better service and more timely information through use of this facility. If you have any questions regarding this site or the procedures for using it, please contact The American Rose Society, which serves as ICRA by appointment of the International Society for Horticultural Sciences.

American Rose Society