Planned Giving

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All good financial stewards reach a point where they initiate estate plans. They want to leave their affairs in good order and take care of the people they love.

Far fewer of us consider the non-material things we will leave behind – our values and our reputations. These we can address through legacy planning, a thoughtful process of taking inventory of our values, what matters, and making plans to preserve them after we’re gone.

Legacy Giving — ARS Heritage Members

Philanthropy is a tradition of giving and sharing that is a voluntary action for the common good. Including ARS in your will, designating ARS as beneficiary of an insurance policy, IRA or 401K, or making a gift through other various estate planning vehicles, ensures your legacy for future generations.
We recognize our very generous donors for their current and deferred planned giving philanthropy as ARS Heritage Members. We invite you to make a difference by joining these donors and becoming an ARS Heritage Member as well.
For more information, please contact our Executive Director, Beth Smiley, 318-938-5402, exxt. 107,

Planned Gifts can be directed to the following areas:

For General Purposes of the organization
ARS Endowment Trust — Provides funds for society operations.
ARS Maintenance Endowment Trust — Supports the gardens of the American Rose Center.
ARS Education Trust — Provides funds for the development, publication and distribution of education materials on the culture of the rose, the establishment and advancement of local rose societies and otherwise for the benefit of the ARS.
ARS Research Trust — Provides funds for research on the historical origin, identification, breeding and culture of the rose and otherwise for the benefit of the ARS.

Confidentiality Policy/Donor Bill of Rights

Additional information, plus free, confidential consultation with our experienced staff is available on these and other estate and gift planning topics. Please contact Beth Smiley, Executive Director at the American Rose Society, (800)-637-6534,  to learn more about how we can be of assistance to you. We also urge all donors to consult with your financial and legal advisors for a full discussion of the implications of any planned gift.

American Rose Society