Rose Shows & Judging
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- Rose shows & JUDGING
The annual Rose Show is one of the most important events of the year to most local rose societies. It is a time for rose members to gather and display their roses, with the goal to display the rose at its most perfect phase of possible beauty. Rose arrangements are created with a central theme in mind. Photography displays depict roses, rose arrangements, rose gardens and creative interpretation of the rose. Over the years, the American Rose Society has established Guidelines for judging roses in competition. The American Rose Society also certifies individuals that are qualified to judge at rose shows and provides ongoing educational webinars on exhibiting and judging horticulture, arrangements and photography entries.
Judging Guidelines
Contact a Rose Show Judge
For assistance contacting a rose judge, please go to their District website or contact ARS.
National Chairs
ARS National Horticulture Judging Chair:
- Linda Clark
- ARS National Arrangement Judging Chair:
- Bruce Barr
- ARS National Photography Judging Chair:
- Pam Powers,
Annual Reporting
Emeritus Judge Request Form
Accredited judges who have been certified for at least 10 years and feel they can no longer fulfill all the requirements to continue as an Accredited Judge, may apply to their District Chair of Judges for Judge Emeritus status. The ARS Chair of the Horticulture Judging Committee, upon receiving recommendations from the District Director, will approve or disapprove the applications.
The Emeritus Judge of the American Rose Society will no longer be required to meet the requirements to maintain judging status except to continue American Rose Society membership. The Emeritus Judge will be afforded all the privileges of the American Rose Society judge except the right to judge roses in ARS accredited shows.
The Emeritus Judge will receive an appropriate designation, the cost to be borne by the district in which he or she resides. Presentation of the new designation should be made by the District Director at an appropriate district function, if possible.
Judging School Related Forms