Awards & Honors

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Local and District Awards

Bronze Honor Medal

For outstanding service to a local society.

Outstanding Horticulture/Arrangement Judge Awards

Outstanding Consulting Rosarian Award

Silver Honor Medal 

Each District of the American Rose Society may annually award the American Rose Society Silver Honor Medal to any ARS member who is an official member of that District who, in the opinion of the District Awards Committee, has provided meritorious service to the rose and its culture, for efforts expended in support of the American Rose Society and its objectives within the District. NOTE: The Chair will now follow the approved Individual Awards Policy attached for awarding of the District Silver Honor Medal, as it now takes precedence over any previous rules for awarding the medal.

National Awards

Gold Honor Medal

Awarded annually, the Gold Honor Medal represents the highest accolade and recognition that the American Rose Society can bestow on an individual ARS Member. The eight members of the National Prizes and Awards Committee, appointed by the four Regional Directors, comprise the authority granted by the Board of Directors to administer in strict confidence the nomination and selection of the recipient.
Nominees made by the members of the Prizes & Award Committee must be current members of the American Rose Society and have at least 12 years of service on the National level diligently providing outstanding meritorious sustained service to the Rose, its culture, education, promotion and conservation, yielding exemplary service in support of the mission of the American Rose Society.

Klima Medal 

This award has been established at the express wish and consent of the late Joseph and Marion Klima of Fairfield, California to recognize the highest levels of excellence in the field of horticultural education concerning “The Rose.”

Hedrick Award

This award is established in memory of Guy Blake Hedrick, Jr. to recognize outstanding rose exhibitors who display the highest levels of excellence, integrity, and respect for the ideals of showing roses typified by Mr. Hedrick during his long career as a rosarian. It is intended as a life-long achievement award for an exhibitor who has been a successful National, District, and local exhibitor, and also a model in sharing his/her knowledge in growing championship roses.

Rising Star Award

Do you know a Rising Star in the world of roses? To celebrate the accomplishments of younger rosarians, the new ARS Rising Star Awards will recognize the work young rosarians who are supporting the culture, preservation and appreciation of the rose. Up to 5 people age 45 years or younger are eligible to win each year. They need not be an ARS member but they must be nominated by an ARS member. Their work can include but is not limited to the areas of Rose Education, Research, Preservation, Industry, Hybridizing, Photography, Arranging, Culinary Arts, Art, Design, Innovation, ARS and Local Society Volunteering. Each winner will be acknowledged at the ARS Fall convention, in  American Rose magazine and will receive a free one-year membership to ARS.

Whitaker Award

This award is established in honor of Glenda Whitaker; as an ARS Member and Leader whose excellent example and efforts on behalf of the society and its members has been as inspiration to all who have worked on behalf of the society in the area of membership; and to recognize those who have made outstanding and unique contributions to the Society in its efforts to grow in members.

David Fuerstenberg Prize

The Fuerstenberg Prize is derived from the interest accumulated by an endowment created by the will of Mr. David Fuerstenberg a rose lover of Philadelphia, PA, who dictated that the income of the fund shall be awarded from time to time at the discretion of the American Rose Society for the new rose best suited to American Conditions.
The Prize can be awarded annually or periodically on the recommendation of the Prizes & Award Committee to the originator of any new rose of American origin suitable to the American climate which may deserve honor. To be considered “new”, the rose must have received its registration within the ten years prior to the award.
Cash award of $100 is presented at a rose Convention.

Rose Breeder Hall of Fame

James Alexander Gamble Award

ARS Member’s Choice Award

ARS Award of Excellence Award

Miniature/Miniflora Hall of Fame

National Awards Archive

Gold Honor Medal

ARS Member’s Choice Award

Rising Star Award

ARS Award of Excellence Award

Rose Breeder Hall of Fame

The Guy Blake Hedrick Jr. Award

James Alexander Gamble Award

Klima Medal 

Miniature/Miniflora Hall of Fame

American Rose Society